Friday, March 30, 2012

Fisher and Frey Chapter 7

Chapter 7 really explained the importance of note taking. I enjoyed reading this informative chapter because I always wanted to know how to stress the importance of note taking. Note taking was not important to me until I began college. I think it was because I was always given notes and study guides instead of developing my own notes. By developing your own personal notes, it helps with your memory and you retain the information better. I had to find a remedy to help me study once I started college because it was obvious that the teacher was only responsible for providing the skills. In ch. 7, Fisher and Frey placed a big emphasis on note taking. They discussed ways it should be addressed across the curriculum. This quote really stood out to me , "While people may have different ways of taking notes, I do believe that it's a skill that can be taught". I believe that this teacher was brilliant for speaking that quote. Everyone is capable of taking great notes, but are they good notes? What are good notes? This question really puzzled my mind! Until I read this chapter, I did not know the difference between note making and note taking. Note taking refers to written notes from a lecture while note making is recording notes form printed material. In my opinion, both strategies are beneficial, but I think I would place a bigger emphasis on note taking. Statistics has proven that students retain information more when they write rather than when they just hear it. The chapter explained that students do better on test and essays when they understand note taking and note making. This chapter provided great information on the importance of note taking. I feel that if teachers would place bigger emphasis on note taking in elementary that the students will become great note takers in high school and college!

1. What are good notes?
2. As a teacher, how do you place a great emphasis on note taking?
3. What are ways to provide feedback about note taking?

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Vocabulary is very problematic in today's society. Students should be encouraged daily to increase their vocabulary because it improves reading comprehension. I think students should be exposed to vocabulary as early as Kindergarden. Chapter 3, provides an explanation of vocabulary and how it is integrated into the curriculum and content areas. Vocabulary begins with the exposure to word knowledge. Students are exposed in elementary to vocabulary but somehow they manage to forget vocabulary as they grow older. Before reading this chapter, I thought middle school teachers did not put a lot of emphasis on vocabulary. I realize now that students' vocabulary level increases a lot as they grow older. As stated in chapter 3, most students just "know a word". Knowing a word means that you cannot only identify a word but also understand the conceptional meaning of the word. Students often just memorize words for assessments and never really understand the word. In this chapter, it explained how teachers have a hard time teaching vocabulary because students are on different levels of word knowledge. This chapter provide ways to integrate vocabulary in all subjects. From experience, I have noticed how useful word walls are in a classroom. I noticed how students always refer back to word walls during assignments and test. Some students have trouble with words that have multiple meanings especially younger students. I feel that teachers should introduce and analyze words for students and show them how a root word can be used in multiple ways. Vocabulary in Social Studies is used for critical thinking and to help students analyze history. Mathematics use vocabulary within the content and context. Students must understand vocabulary in math in order to carry out the problem. Overall, vocabulary is very important because we use it daily. Supportive teachers instills in their students great vocabulary and varieties of ways to use it. Great vocabulary help students become more aware of their surroundings and provides them with understanding.

How can I explain vocabulary and the importance of it to kindergarden students?
What are ways that I can use vocabulary providing a hands-on experience?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week of Feb. 13 - 15

I really enjoyed reading chapter 1.  Chapter 1 explained different learning strategies that are purposely used for informational text.  Some students are not interested in informational text while other students are very eager to learn about informational text.  I think that teachers do not spend enough time on informational text   and it makes the students less concerned about it.  Teachers should use some of the reading strategies discussed in chapter 1 and allow the students to be engaged.  When students are engaged, it provides them with a hands-on experience and they learn more.  Also, in chapter 1 they discuss ways for teachers to reflect on their own teaching.  I think this is very important because teachers need feedback to improve their teaching.

Chapter 8 is all about all the different strategies to improve writing.  Most students dislike writing because they don't understand the purpose of writing.  As students write they should think about what they are writing about.  Writing to learn activates prior knowledge and allows students to think critically.  As students think critically, they stay focus on the subject and retain the information.  When students began learning as they read, they become more interested in writing and enjoy it.

Last week, I had the privilege to go to the Student Think Center.  I really enjoyed my visit and was amazed  at the setting and environment.  When I see the use of Apple products, I automatically get very excited!  As I listened during my time at the Student Think Center,  I thought about different ways I could use the materials in my classroom one day.  I loved the chairs and the notepad on the desk.  Students love a different environments and it affects their learning.  When students see bright colors and new technology they instantly become focused.  I plan to implement my learning that I received at the Student Think Center  into my classroom someday.

How can I get my students involved in reading and writing?
What are some ways to make students think critically?
How do I make writing fun?
What are some ways I can reflect on my teaching.
How will I allow students to provide feedback?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Blog #3

Betty Ray's Design - Thinking Piece
Before I read this article, I never really thought about the thinking process.  I didn't realize that there was a thinking process.  When I first started reading this article, I asked myself, "What exactly is included in the thinking process and who would ever think of this?"  I stopped reading and my mind was pondering with many thoughts as I tried tot hunk of the thinking process.  I decided to continue reading and just analyse is each step.  The first step, identify the opportunity, made me realize that before we began thinking we have to think about "what exactly are thinking about".  I know that really sounds weird but that is what came to mind.  Step 2, which is the design process, makes me think of analyzing a situation that you were previously involved with.  Sometimes in order to make the right decision, you must consider all the options and consequences.  In step 3,  you must weigh one of options and decide what could possibly be the solution.  Step 4, is the step that we all as individuals should receive which is feedback.  Advice and feedback is always good whether its positive or negative. Once you have received feedback, move to step 5 and analyse it to improve your decision.  Step 6, is the final step and if you have processed each step correctly, then you will be able to present with no problem.  As I read this article, I tried to place myself in the author's shoes and decide how would I would i teach the thinking process.  My overall question is not just how would I teach the process but how will I teach young students how to think.

Content Area Literacy in the Elementary Grades
Literacy is very important among students in elementary.  While students are in elementary, they should learn and know a lot about literacy.  Literacy is a subject that students will need throughout life.  The world is changing so and students must be literate enough to handle all situations.  How do you expect a student to apply for a job one day when he/she is illiterate.  Students should not only be able to read short stories but also be able to read informational text to help them think critically.  The article stated that if students are taught literacy then they should be able to "read the world".  Literacy is very critical because the world is constantly changing.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Blog #2

My first response will be to Alex Moore blog #1.  She pulled from the syllabus a statement that I just glanced at while I was reading, "literacy is the core of teaching and learning".  As Alex stated, we often hear about literacy but never really understood why and what was the use of it.  I feel that in this class we learn literacy on a higher level and how to teach older students.  Literacy is demanded in the classroom and it is important that students can use literacy to improve their educational performances.

My second response will be to Crystal Wolf blog #1.  Chrystal and I noticed the same thing in the syllabus which was how this course will integrate literacy with technology.  Students love hands-on activities and technology.  Integrating technology with literacy gives students a better outlook on literacy and they are more eager to learn.

This article was very informational and the strategies presented in this article were helpful.  When I began to read this article, I knew it was definitely something I wanted to read.  A part of literacy is writing and as stated in the article, writing helps increase reading comprehension.  As I started reading reading this article, I noticed the statement "writing to learn differs from learning to write".  Once I read that I asked myself, "How will I teach the difference?"  Then I continued reading that "writing to learn" is basically expressing yourself and improving comprehension.  "Learning to write" is learning the basics of writing such as grammar usage and sentence and paragraph structure.  One of the assessments this article focuses on is assessing writing and how the teacher feedback is important.  When accessing writing it is important to keep in mind the fundamentals of writing and how the student writes.  This article also points out how rubrics and checklists are helpful for teachers so they want be as bias when they grade.  My question is, "How will I be able to assess students' writings?"  I know that as a teacher I must teach writing based off the present curriculum so students will learn the required material.  I must have students do activities such as reading logs to enhance their thinking and make them think critically.  

Content Area Literacy M/W

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Hello! My name is LaDisha Moore.  I am from Noxapater, MS.  I moved to Hattiesburg about 2 years ago after graduating from East Central Community College.  My hobbies include spending time with my family and friends, shopping, and attending church.  My love for children is what brought me to education.  I enjoy helping children and being a positive impact on their life.  I often aim for perfection so my ideal grade would be an A.  Since I am a dual major,  I am very excited about teaching children with disabilities.  I really enjoy helping children with disabilities and my goal is to teach them skills that will allow them to be comfortable with their peers.  From experience, I noticed that children with disabilities just want to be accepted like any other individual in life.  I'm really not nervous about any content of teaching because I feel that I have been trained and taught to be able to teach anything.  I know that this journey is far from easy, but I am very confident that I can handle the tasks.  In the syllabus, the assignments expectations stood out to me the most.  By you providing that, it lets me know what to expect and I can prepare in advance.  I think this course is about reading, writing, and strategies to improve literacy.  I hope to learn more about literacy in this course and new methods on how to teach literacy.  My only concern is about the service learning project and i'm sure you will explain this in details on a later date.